Insights on Goal Achievement: Shared Characteristics of Achievers


What makes one business thrive while another flounders with goal achievement? What qualities and characteristics are common among goal achievers?  And, what draws individuals to embrace a framework for achieving their goals? 

These are the type of questions that keep me awake at night — that and did the neighbors cat make it home okay. 

To find out, I went where we all go to solve the mysteries of the planet. Google. 

My search for “qualities and characteristics of a goal achiever” was revealing. In that, it provided no further insight into the workings of the goal achiever mind. 

Most of what showed up in my Google search were ‘how to’ set goals. Included in my findings were the characteristics of an excellent goal-setting system. Think SMART, which has been done to death.

Given that, I decided to do a bit of deep dive into my experience. (I do run a goal achievement mastermind, after all.)

The Goal Achiever Vs. Goal Achievement

After two decades of guiding business owners along their growth journey, this is what I can tell you…

The most successful – by that, I mean those most likely to achieve their goals – have shared qualities. 

They have a goal-setting mindset likely developed at a young age. 

They are forward-thinking with aspirations for their business. Their enterprise is more than a day-job replacement. 

They crave focus and clarity. Those are non-negotiable for their performance.  

Baked into their DNA is a commitment to life-long learning. They re-evaluate, revise, and reboot their plans if they miss the mark. 

They dislike vagueness, overwhelm, and chaos.

They expect the best of — and from — themselves. They have great pride in the quality of their work

A deep-seated optimism keeps their eyes focused on the horizon. 

They are much more gifted and talented than they recognize in themselves. It’s likely what keeps them humble.

They know how to lighten up, have fun, and laugh — mostly at themselves. 

So, achieving goals is about the essence of the individual. A goal achievement framework is a tool used to achieve outcomes. 

An artist has a favorite brush.  My landscaper has his versatile Hori Hori knife. The goal-achieving entrepreneur’s tool for performance is the goal-achievement framework.

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Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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