Bite-Size Chunks of Wisdom

Growth Strategies

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strategic thinking for business growth

What do wise entrepreneurs do when their business growth begins to slow? Most either work harder or throw money at the perceived problem—or both! Neither of these options is advisable—or desirable—until you apply some strategic thinking to your business strategy and operations.

strategic thinking for business growth

Consider a recent strategic conversation with “Katherine” (not her real name for the sake of confidentiality), which perfectly illustrates how strategic thinking can shape business success. Katherine had already invested a lion’s share of time and money into her growth initiative. As results failed to materialize, her initial frustration turned to irritation. Finally, in total exasperation, she decided to move forward with a project requiring a substantial investment of resources in the hope that it would be “the thing” that fueled her small business growth.

Her situation sounds only too familiar, doesn’t it? As entrepreneurs, we’ve all experienced the same frustration when results fail to materialize despite our best efforts.

What Strategic Thinking Can Do For You

Before proceeding with her plan, we decided to put strategic thinking to the test. We examined her performance metrics to glean whatever insight was available. For many small business entrepreneurs, looking at performance metrics is like partaking in a Rorschach test. We know it’s supposed to mean something, but it all looks like a bunch of undefined, incoherent inkblots.

What we discovered—in a word—was hopeful!

Using our best investigative skills, we poked, prodded, and analyzed her performance metrics. We compared them to industry benchmarks. We aligned them with her growth goals and business strategy.

Ultimately, our strategic thinking skills cracked her performance metrics wide open. We identified a set of actions Katherine could take immediately to boost her business growth —before making another substantial investment.

Isn’t that exciting? Time will tell how Katherine’s actions will ultimately shape the trajectory of her business growth. Until then, she won’t have to grow her business in the dark with fingers crossed, hoping for success. She now has strategic actions to guide her.

The Power of Strategic Thinking

This experience underscores the transformative power of strategic thinking. You can uncover insights that save time and money by taking a step back, analyzing available data, and aligning actions with strategy and goals. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

So, how willing are you to apply strategic thinking, knowing it could shape your business success and save you time and treasure? Strategic thinking involves assessing your goals, understanding the market, and planning the most effective ways to achieve your objectives, using data to guide your decision-making.

Doing so allows you to navigate challenges more effectively and capitalize on opportunities. Remember, strategic thinking is the way forward if you’re ready to see tangible results and elevate your business to the next level.

Take the First Step Today

Strategic thinking isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a crucial tool for navigating the complexities of running a small business. By adopting a strategic mindset, you give yourself a roadmap to success.

Are you ready to transform your business with strategic thinking? The time to start is now.

If forming meaningful, growth-driven partnerships sounds like the next step for your business, we’re here to help. Contact us to explore how we can support your efforts.

Business Growth Strategist Weathers the Storm

Economic uncertainty can feel like navigating a ship in a storm. Mixed signals, especially prevalent in an election year, contribute to a sea of confusion for small business owners and entrepreneurs. How do you set sail and plot a course for success in such choppy waters? The answer: strategic thinking, planning, and execution in partnership with a seasoned business growth strategist. During the economic downturn of 2008, entrepreneurs faced the harsh winds of change. Businesses hunkered down as a storm of recession-battered the marketplace. And yet, amidst this tempestuous backdrop, a few resilient businesses not only survived but thrived. What set them apart?

Business Growth Strategist Weathers the Storm

The Bellwether of Business Resilience

My Dad, weathered by The Great Depression, often remarked, “We need to tighten our belts.” That era demanded frugality and foresight, virtues that proved vital during the 2008 recession as well. Even as we tightened our financial belts, some businesses couldn’t keep pace with the surge. However, those that could sustain a growth rate of 20% or more? They did more than stay afloat—they navigated the storm. Fast-forward to 2013, and the murmurs of a looming economic decline began to surface. These prophecies foretold a global downtrend touching down in the United States by 2020. What wasn’t predicted was the maelstrom of COVID-19—a disruption that capsized a staggering 22% of small businesses by April 2020. Yet, a year later, a beacon of optimism shone through. An astonishing 89% of small business entrepreneurs firmly believed in their businesses’ survival. In other words, we’ve been through this before.

Navigating Business Growth Rates

During my time roaming the halls of UCLA Anderson School of Business, Professors Yvonne Randle and Eric Flamholtz shared how they navigated many through the growing pains of entrepreneurship. Here’s a glimpse of the five rates of growth they charted:

  1. Less than 15% Annually—Growth: Steady as she goes! This rate, while not meteoric, ensures you can double your business in five years without capsizing.
  2. 15–25% Annually—Rapid Growth: The winds pick up. Are you prepared for the increased effort, investment, and the challenge of thinning margins? This is the stretch where strategy makes all the difference
  3. 25–50% Annually—Very Rapid Growth: Now you’re catching gale-force winds. The demand to expand and innovate is palpable, and so are the rewards for those who can withstand the pace.
  4. 50—100% Annually—Hypergrowth: At this exhilarating speed, it’s crucial to keep a keen eye on the horizon to steer clear of any obstacles.
  5. Greater than 100% Annually—Light-speed Growth: This is not just growth; it’s a transformation. Here, agility and foresight will determine whether you soar or crash.

In this tumultuous economic ocean, which rate is yours for the taking?

Why You Need a Business Growth Strategist

You might wonder, “Is it truly possible to achieve such growth in today’s uncertain economy?” Here’s the secret: the courageous captains who weathered the roughest seas had a “strategist” by their side, ensuring they weren’t just reacting to the waves but riding them with intent. A Business Growth Strategist isn’t just a coach or consultant; they are your partner—bringing you clarity, sharpening your focus, strengthening your resilience, challenging your premises, assisting with setting strategy, and guiding you towards the desired horizons. They provide the compass, and the map, to discover profitable routes you might have missed.

 Your Call to Action

It’s time to raise the anchor and unfurl the sails. With strategic thinking, execution planning, a compass point for every decision, and a clear map of growth rates, you’re equipped to sail even the most uncertain of economic seas. Are you prepared to be the optimist who, in the face of adversity, not only survives but prospers? If your answer is a resounding “Yes,” then it’s time to join forces with a Strategist who can steer your course to safe harbor and beyond.

Take the helm. Be the beacon. Grow boldly, grow strategically. Grow sustainably.

Don’t weather this storm alone. Contact us today and discover how, together, we’ll chart a course for success that keeps your business thriving, no matter the economic forecast.

business ask

A recent business connection on Linkedin resulted in a fun and insightful conversation. My pen flew across the page to capture how she leveraged the information to get “unstuck” and in motion as we chatted. Enjoy and read the course of action she implemented to break through her resistance to ask.

A small business entrepreneur’s day is filled with opportunities to ask for – and get – what we want—asking leaves some small business owners fearful and hesitant — especially when unaccustomed to their requests being realized. As a result, some small business owners grab hold of the “ask” in a manner that triggers an inability to achieve their quest. 

On the other hand, victorious entrepreneurs seize the opportunity to “ask” and forward their objectives. Why do some entrepreneurs succeed while others fail at asking for and getting what they want? The triumphant entrepreneurs employ “the art of the ask.”

business ask

The Art of the Ask in Your Business

Most small business entrepreneurs are masters of their craft. They are highly skilled in their area of expertise. Their competence may be legal, financial, design, communication, project management, process improvement, technology – the list is endless. Seldom is “the art of the ask” taught at the advanced learning institutions attended.

Consequently, this means using trial and error (i.e., mostly error) to hone their “asking” skills. In contrast, people who ask for and get the “yes” regularly have become skilled at “the art of the ask.”

Does This Make My “Ask” Look Big? 

Asking for and getting what we have in mind isn’t the same. We ask for permission, a referral, the sale, to be paid, for help, approval, an introduction, special treatment. Getting to “yes” depends on the skill and the size of your “ask.” Here are a few pointers to get you closer:

1. Be reasonable. Consider the desired outcome of your ask. Is it directly proportional to your relationship with the supplier of the “yes”?

2. Keep it simple. Research indicates that one (1) reason gets the best results. So, avoid the need to pile on the reasons for someone to do what you want.

3. Draft your request before making it.

4. Be kind/honest/professional. No BS allowed.

5. Be specific and brief. Don’t him-haw around.

6. Provide an easy out. Make it easy for someone to say “no” without damaging your relationship.

7. Show your gratitude.

8. Be willing to give in return.

9. Make it WIIFM compliant. WIIFM stands for “what’s in it for me.” It’s the question that subconsciously goes through the mind of each provider of a “yes.” If your request is WIIFM compliant, your “yes” broker will quickly see that your “ask” imparts something for them as well.

The ability to ask for what you want to increase the likelihood you will obtain it is a crucial business skill. With a bit of practice, you’ll master “the art of the ask.”

Now, go ahead. Ask me anything!

A Brilliant Step by Step Ask

Here are the steps my new Linkedin connection took to overcome her resistance to asking for help:

1. Make a list of people she wanted to contact.

2. Noted her relationship with each. 

3. Identified one “ask” for each. 

4. She considered how to provide an “easy out” if she heard hesitancy.

5. Made the WIIFM (What’s in it for me) crystal clear.

Your turn. What’s your ask?

Core Business Assessment


Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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