The Mastermind for the Messy Middle

Mastermind groups are incredibly effective for moving through the “messy middle” stage of business growth — especially when you join forces with like-minded entrepreneurs.

Masterminds provide support from colleagues who share similar experiences, allowing you to get objective advice from experts in their field who know how to navigate these challenges.

Pushing through the “messy middle” can be challenging, but surrounding yourself with the right people makes all the difference!

Interested in participating in upcoming Masterminds? Submit your application below.

The Mastermind for The Messy Middle is a collaborative, collective experience where ideas are exchanged among a network of 6–10 business owners from various industries with similar challenges.

Each Mastermind member is hand-selected to ensure fit for optimal group dynamics.

Please complete the application below if you’d like to be considered for The Messy Middle Mastermind membership. 

“If you’re not setting time aside to grow your business, this is a great way to start doing that without any effort.” ~ Mastermind Member



Got questions? We’ve got the answers!

The Messy Middle is the time in your business between start-up and smooth sailing. It generally occurs at around $350K -$500K, then about $750K to $1M, and once again at approximately $3-4M. It’s often punctuated by stagnant or slowed growth, dwindling cash flow, a withering talent pool, and missed opportunities. The exhaustion experienced by you and your team from what was once temporarily extended work hours is now untenable. At this point in your business, you realize that what got you here is no longer working. The strategies you use to build your business won’t get you to the next level.

That’s an excellent question. After all, your time is valuable, and you want assurance that the mastermind is a match for you and your business.

Members of The Messy Middle Mastermind share common characteristics, such as:

  • 5+ years in business
  • Proven business mode
  • Aptitude and appetite to continue growing
  • Revenue of $350K+
  • Team of 3+ (employees and/or subcontractors)
  • Desire to balance growth, scalability, and lifestyle with business growth

Also each member is hand-selected to ensure fit. (Apply here.)

“The quality of the conversation is really excellent. Not a lot of groups for this size of business.”    ~ Mastermind Member

Every member’s experience is different; however, the probabilities include:

  • Accountability: The regularity of the group meetings, sharing commitments, and reporting progress (generally 1-2X per month) creates a responsive structure.
  • Collaboration: Goals are accomplished more easily through cooperation, contribution, and respect.
  • Feedback: The willingness to give and receive advice forms a basis for—and enhances—improvement. After all, growing your small business in a silo is bad for business.
  • Resources: Tools such as workbooks, checklists, and information are readily available to strengthen your business.
  • Support: Progress towards goals is more manageable with encouragement, help, perspective, and advice.
  • Facilitation: A well-run meeting guides productivity and success for its participants.
  • Structure: Each meeting is organized and optimized around a specific agenda that creates flow and reduces the risk of chaos, confusion, and running overtime.

“You can’t do what you do for other people for yourself. The diversity of people, and the different types of businesses, gives you that mirror back.” ~ Mastermind Member

Jackie Nagel, the founder of Synnovatia, sets the agenda and guides the discussion. And she comes with 25+ years of experience and expertise working with entrepreneurs caught in the “messy middle.”

The Messy Middle Mastermind is a 3-month commitment of bi-weekly 75-minute meetings. Additionally, a question or action to consider around the micro-focus is published weekly, along with a series of thoughtful and curious questions to serve as triggers for thinking clearly and strategically about the achievements of the past week and the plans for the week ahead. It’s up to you how much, or little time you want to give it. 

                “The value you’re going to receive from the minimal time commitment is a no-brainer.”                    ~ Mastermind Member  

Each quarter, a theme or discussion is included focused on topics vital to growing and scaling your organization through The Messy Middle. This includes strategy, growth planning, implementation, systems thinking, scaling, talent acquisition, etc.

The Mastermind for the Messy Middle meetings are held every other week via Zoom.

Member size is limited to 6–10 members to allow each entrepreneur ample opportunity to discuss.

The cost is $675.00/quarter and includes biweekly meetings, a private group for ongoing discussions, and full access to Jackie’s vault of workbooks, tools, and documents created over 25+ years of strategic business coaching.

Look no further than the Community for the Messy Middle! Our community is a group of like-minded individuals passionate about learning from each other and supporting each other’s journey. Join us today.

Have a question that wasn’t covered? Feel free to contact Jackie directly at