3 Things to Avoid For Small Business Success


Well-worn habits, like your comfy gym clothes that should have been tossed years ago, are hard to part with. But, when those habits begin to interfere with success, it may be time to re-assess.

Mental Hoarding

is a general term used to describe the behavior of people and animals that leads them to accumulate food and other items during times of scarcity. Similarly, mental hoarding is the accumulation of thoughts and beliefs.

In the case of the small business entrepreneur, mental hoarding takes on the appearance of holding on to thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions that have no value or are no longer relevant.

Binge Working

Binge working is a dangerous office trend fueled by fear, economic uncertainty, caffeine, and digital hypnosis. Similar to overwork, and the accompanying burnout, binge workers take working to the next level by toiling for extended periods of time with no breaks and little sleep.

Binge working leads to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, and depression. Clearly these conditions are inconsistent with long-term success in business.

Cerebral Snacking

Rather than thoroughly delve into a topic to advance ones knowledge or business skill, cerebral snackers spend what little spare time they have munching on Facebook, Cheezburger, Instagram, and similar types of meaningless information.

Cerebral snacking overshadows ingestion of a full, rich topic to expand knowledge, keep up with trends, or develop a business skill essential to success.

It’s human nature to fall prey to these habits. Yet, it’s a costly trend that might just be interfering with your success. Given the consequences of such habits, it might just be time to re-evaluate your approach to success.

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Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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