4 Simple Guidelines For The Best Social Connections For Your Business


Social media underscores the ability of small businesses to reach out and connect with others around the globe. It fosters an exchange of cultures and ideas that help further innovation. With 2 billion social media users (as of August 2014), it leaves one scratching their head as to the best connections to advance your business objectives…and not waste your time.

Connections are valuable to your business, particularly in the early years when working hard to establish your reputation. Many small business owners are willing to accept and/or connect with anyone who asks. That’s certainly one way of working your social network.
However, with the explosion of social media users and platforms, it’s worth exercising discernment to make certain the network you develop is an asset to your enterprise.

To Connect or Not Connect

Ahhhh, that is the question, isn’t it. Regardless if it’s an invite, follow, like, or if thrown into a circle, we desire one thing – to establish a meaningful business relationship that is of benefit to both parties.

To ensure you’re making beneficial connections, follow these straightforward guidelines:

1. Validate their legitimacy through a profile picture or company logo on their company page. No creepy shadow pics, please.

2. Be familiar with the size of their network. Someone once said that an average of 250 people attend a wedding or funeral. This would indicate the approximate scope of an individual’s family and immediate friends.

When connecting with others, make sure they have more than 250 likes, followers, or connections to corroborate that their network extends beyond their immediate circle of influence.

3. Confirm the completion of their summary or profile on their social media platform.

And, the most important guideline of all –

4. Make certain they fit your buyer persona. A good connection is one that matches the demographics and psychographics identified in your persona. They are in the geographic area of your choice. Their position matches that of your decision maker. Even their likes and areas of interest align with your persona.

Whether you’re the connector or the connected – the like or the liker – the follower or the followed – these parameters ensure you’re surrounded with those most likely to be a fit for your product and/or service.

What are some of your connecting strategies?

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Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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