Real Solutions. Real Achievement.

Blending our entrepreneurial acumen and advanced coaching skills with science-based performance strategies creates a predictable methodology for you to achieve your goals.

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the process that one uses to create a new or different result

Unusual Name. Dependable Results.

Synnovatia. It’s an uncommon name. But it fits our approach.

We tap into your wisdom, knowledge, and expertise to customize your business to match your values, beliefs, and dreams.

We apply the symptom-core-performance model to uncover solutions that create permanent change.

We assist in tailoring your business to fit your lifestyle while achieving your financial goals.

The bottom line? Success occurs with less stress and more fun.

Jackie Nagel, Founder

Jackie’s passion for small business and a keen interest in science-based performance strategies enable her to provide coaching tailored to her client’s personal and business needs.

As a result, her clients appreciate her discriminating sense of what it takes to succeed in an ever-evolving and increasingly challenging business environment.

In addition to graduating from Coach U and Corporate Coach U International, Jackie is certified in Management Development for Entrepreneurs (MDE) from UCLA’s Anderson School of Business.

She is a published author and regular contributor for several small business publications, including Huffington Post’s What is Working: Small Business—a showcase of thought leadership that inspires, teaches, and provides small business owners with the tools needed to succeed in a challenging economy.