Accounting and Financial Growth Assessment


At the core of every successful business is an entrepreneur who has invested the necessary time and resources into ensuring that he or she has established a strong foundation from which the business can thrive. By focusing on core skill development, you can dramatically accelerate your business’ rate of growth and achieve your personal and professional goals.

The Accounting and Financial Growth Assessment focuses on helping you identify the fundamental accounting and finance skills you need to develop and discover which resources should be invested to facilitate the financial growth of your business. This knowledge enables you to put strategies into place that methodically strengthen the business to maximize resources and ultimately increase profits.

1.     I have created a detailed budget that guides my decisions.

2.     I consistently use the three principle financial statements to measure and report the results of my business activity.

3.     I know the two primary ways to increase the bottom-line and have a plan for each.

4.     I have identified the company’s intangible and tangible assets.

5.     The essential and suitable finances are in place to grow and develop my business.

6.     Accounts payable is consistently handled in a professional, timely manner.

7.     Written accounts receivable policies and procedures support business growth and are clearly conveyed to my customers.

8.     My revenue is growing in sales and profits.

9.     Necessary local, state, and federal documents and taxes are filed and paid on time.

10.   A reliable bookkeeping system provides financial data that allows for an accurate business analysis at any point in time.

After assessing your accounting and finance skills, how do you measure up?

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Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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