Bite-Size Chunks of Wisdom

August 2012

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overcoming fears of small business ownership

Fear of failure is commonly expressed as the strongest force preventing entrepreneurs from growing a truly successful business. Because of that common adage, all fears in business seem to get lumped in with the fear of failure. Although this sounds like a rational hypothesis, failing to challenge the assumptions related to the fear of failure may prevent one from achieving their potential.

There are many antidotes intended to help overcome one’s fear of failure. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Make a contingency plan. Put the worst-case scenario in perspective. Celebrate failure. Research the alternatives. Consider the cost of missed opportunities. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Most of these remedies, although well intended, don’t work. Anyone who had tried to adopt any nullifiers quickly becomes more ill-at-ease as their mind races through the worst-case scenarios – except now they have contingency plans. :-/

The problem with the antidotes is they seldom address the real fears. They merely treat the symptom – not the source – and the fear never subsides enough for one to take full action. It’s much like treating a headache caused by a brain tumor with aspirin (i.e. treat the symptom) rather than removal of the tumor (i.e. treat the source).

Many years ago, I led a very successful sales organization. While running this high-performance sales organization, I ran my health into the ground. The 15-hour/7-day-a-week work schedule took its toll. It took years for me to regain my energy and health.

For a time, I was hesitant about growing my business into what I knew it truly could become. I had bought into the ‘fear of failure’ platitude. I told myself the tentativeness was because I was afraid to fail and, therefore, I must apply the commonly recommended antidotes. It was frustrating as none of the so-called solutions alleviated my fear.

Much like the headache/aspirin/tumor scenario, I had misclassified my fear!  I wasn’t afraid to fail after all!  Fear of failure was merely a symptom. The source of my uneasiness – and my hesitancy – was the fear of getting sick. Once the real issue (i.e. source) was uncovered, I was able to identify solutions that gave me the confidence to know that I could grow my business and stay healthy.

What’s my point with this story? Well, not all things are as they seem.  It’s important to identify the source of your fear and apply your solutions to the source – not the symptom – to get past your fears and grow a successful business.

If you’re moving past your fears and growing your business, subscribe to our blog (upper right-hand corner), and let’s do it together!  After all, nothing great is created in a vacuum.

Who can forget Joey Tribbiani, the struggling actor played by Matt LeBlanc, on the Emmy Award Winning Comedy, Friends.  In his attempt to win over women, Joey drew on his famous catch phrase, “How YOU doin’.” Joey’s signature phrase quickly became part of our lexicon.

So, How YOU doin’?  And, by that I don’t mean how are you feeling, how is your day, or what are you up to.  I mean: How is your business doing relative to your goals. Do you know? Can you say with absolute certainly that you know precisely how your business measures up?

The only way we really know for sure how our business is doing is to take its pulse once a month, at a minimum. It’s always good to make sure the business still has a pulse and be able to determine how strong or weak the pulse is of your business.  The metrics – those key elements you measure each month – is the best way to determine if you’re winning or losing.

Although there is a plethora of measurements you can take each month, it’s important to identify the key metrics that have the greatest impact on the growth of your business as defined by you. These usually are elements that, when stimulated by your strategies, create a domino effect influencing other elements important to the growth and viability of your enterprise. You focus on 2-3 key elements, which in turn trigger the domino effect.

How business growth looks, feels, and is defined is different for each business. Influenced by the values, beliefs, desires, and goals of the entrepreneur, growth may be revenue driven, profit oriented, or fulfillment motivated, just to mention a few. Key metrics need to match each entrepreneur’s definition of growth.

Business metrics help you make better business decisions. They prevent growing your business in the dark. The information transforms your mission and strategy into specific, quantifiable goals and measures your performance against those goals. And, they never lull you into believing things are better (or worse) than they are.

Remember, if you don’t know it, you can’t grow it.

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Where Will Your Business Grow in 2012?

It’s no secret that Michael Phelps struggled to maintain his motivation after years of relentless training. After suffering some surprising losses in the US Olympic trials, many questioned whether he still had the passion for the sport. Even Michael questioned his passion. All entrepreneurs (aka high achievers) have days like that. You wonder, if only for a moment, if Starbucks is hiring.

Heidegger, a wise philosopher, said, “Nothing great is created without passion.” Sparking passion is an inside job. You’re the only one who can stoke the fire or fan the flames of passion.

How do you keep passion hotly burning?

Know Yourself Completely – Although one would think that everyone knows themselves fully, many know only a sanitized version of themselves. Try this. For the next 30 minutes, complete this sentence with as many qualities, characteristics, skills, and talents as you can.

I am (fill in the blank)….

Find Your Purpose – It’s not uncommon to lack a clear sense of your own purpose; especially if you’ve been trying to ‘fit in’. Empowered with a clear picture of your gifts, talents, and skills, jot down all the things you love doing for 30 minutes.

My purpose in life is (fill in the blank)….

Practice Being Courageous – Like a muscle, the more it’s exercised the stronger it becomes. Don’t wait to BE courageous. Practice BEING courageous helps mastery your audacity to achieve great things.

Hang Out With Inspired People – Jim Rohn says, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Inspired people are instigators.  They set off a chain reaction that energizes your dreams.

Passion – the true catalyst to a winning performance.

How do you fuel the passion for your business?

Core Business Assessment


Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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