5 Life Hacks for Savvy Small Business Owners


As a small business owner, you probably have a whole arsenal of tips and tricks to help you save time, money, and increase your efficiency. If you feel a little disorganized, don’t fret. We’ve compiled a list of strategies to help you streamline processes, catalog your ideas, and master your to-do lists.

This list is helpful for anyone but will particularly help you in the creation and growth of your small business.

1 – Set yourself up for success. Technology runs everything now, so you need to research and shop, and purchase the right software you’ll need for your business. If you spend the time getting the right products and apps now, you’ll have more time down the road to learn to use them make them work to your advantage. Spend time browsing online to find the perfect solutions for your small business.

2 – Know the difference between real time and clock time. Mapping out the tasks of your day, it’s essential to realize that we live in real time, not clock time. The clock will tell you that you have 8 hours in a work day to get items checked off your list, but real time will say that the hours of actual work are more like 6 when you figuring in lunch, breaks, distractions, etc. be realistic about how much actual time you have to complete your tasks.

3 – Master the calendar. Striking a perfect balance between all of your obligations is daunting. You have meetings, deadlines, vendors, events, paperwork, and of course things that pop up unexpectedly every single day. A great recommendation to streamline your calendar is to find an app that takes the burden off you. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of great apps to help you manage your calendar.

4 – Hire freelancers. Sometimes small business owners are nervous about hiring workers on a freelance basis because they haven’t worked with them before, they don’t know how reliable they are, etc. But utilizing freelancers as an extension of yourself is a fantastic use of your time. Delegate all kinds of work in an attempt to free up some of your own time. For example, administrative duties, copy and content for your website, and creating marketing videos and other marketing campaigns. If you’re not an expert in these areas, it’s best to farm the work out to people who are, allowing you to take care of other projects.

5 – Schedule non-activities. Don’t get caught up in looking at productivity as simply numbers – like how many emails you send, how many meetings you attend, or how many deliverables you complete. Non-activities include things like brainstorming, impromptu conversations with colleagues, a phone call with your mentor, or catching up on the latest industry news. These all have benefits for your small business. They help with idea flow and also serve as mental breaks in between heavy workloads.


Running a small business is as challenging as it is rewarding. Don’t get overwhelmed by the many tasks, meetings, and action items you have to attend to every day as a small business owner. Use these five strategies to streamline your days and make your agenda items clearer. You’ll find that your work becomes easier and more efficient because you are more organized and have clearer direction on what you need to accomplish.

About Zane Benefits:

Zane Benefits is the leader in individual health insurance reimbursement for small businesses. Since 2006, Zane Benefits has been on a mission to bring the benefits of individual health insurance to business owners and their employees.

Zane Benefits’ software helps businesses reimburse employees for individual health insurance plans for annual savings of 20 to 60 percent compared with traditional employer-provided health insurance. Today, over 20,000 customers use Zane Benefits’ software, services, and support to reimburse individual health insurance plans purchased independently of employment.  For more information visit ZaneBenefits.com.

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Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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