The More Valuable Alternative to a Failed Work-Life Balance Theory


Work-life balance is a sham.

There! I’ve said it. Whew! Am I ever glad to get that off my chest.

Before you scamper for a screwdriver to tighten what may appear as an obvious loose screw, hear me out.

It wasn’t as though anyone set out to purposefully mislead the countless number of sleep-deprived entrepreneurs. In our desperation, we bought the disinformation that led us to believe that equilibrium between one’s professional and personal life was possible.

Yes. We’ve all implemented countless strategies to achieve the utopian state known as “work-life balance.” Yet, if we take inventory of our professional/personal balance, or query our colleagues, we’re certain to find work-life balance is as elusive as unicorns and tooth fairies.

Despite decades of information designed to reduce the stress and overwhelm that accompanies too much work and too little play; work-life balance strategies are an epic fail. In fact, since the 70s, workplace stress has risen to epidemic proportions. As an example, the number of mental stress-related cases rose from 1844 in 1981 to 15, 688 in 1999 in California alone. Today, most entrepreneurs live in a continual state of heightened anxiety. In essence, the quest for work-life equilibrium hasn’t created the intended calm and self-fulfillment.

Take heart. In an article I recently wrote for Zane Benefits, I share proven, effective strategies for achieving a rich, full life brimming with fulfillment and satisfaction.

Article Highlights: The Work-Life Balance Myth: Life Hacks to Create a Happy, Fulfilled Personal and Professional Life

For most, work – life balance is demanding, tough, difficult, painful, and most times, impossible. In order to meet the growing demands of our professional and personal lives, our approach to a happy, accomplished life must also advance.

Goodbye Balance. Hello Time for Life.

Here are four strategies guaranteed to coach you to greater fulfillment.

  1. Reboot. I call this “running away from home.” And, who doesn’t love the idea of reliving childhood fantasies. Escaping the daily grind encourages relaxation which is quickly followed by piercing clarity.
  2. Redefine. Rather than filling each day with the demands thrust upon you, re-define what success is for you.
  3. Rejuvenate. Nurture an understanding of what feeds your soul. What simple, profound actions induce recovery and fuel a rebound for you that are non-negotiable for a life of fulfillment, satisfaction, and success?
  4. Reduce stress. Feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? It’s likely your expectations are out of touch with reality. Discover for yourself what needs to take place to bridge the expectation-reality gap.

Although balancing work with life was established with the best of intentions, it has gone the way of cassette players, VHS recorders, and pet rocks. Today’s entrepreneur deserves a different, more effective approach for creating a happy, fulfilled, satisfied personal and professional life.

If you’re ready to trade in the inadequate approaches of the work-life juggle for strategies that make time for life, we’re only a click or call away.

The full article can be accessed via Zane Benefits.

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Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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